Friday, February 15, 2008

Time - or rather the lack thereof

Good intentions are the roadway to ...... Well, I have all the good intentions in the world of adding to this blog on a timely basis, but time keeps slipping away.

It has been almost a month since the last update and now time is again running away from me.

Since the last post, I have been running from pillar to post doing sales and investment presentations - both with varying degrees of success.

The latest set of presentations at the Magic Conference (Clothing) in Las Vegas was exhausting - but fun. Fly in late tuesday, do presentations on Tuesday night until 2am. work on legal documents at 8am, attend the expo from 10am - 6pm and then run presentations until 4am the next day and finally be back on a plane at 8am the next morning.


On the bright side - Simuality will be presenting its amazing new advertising system at the Virtual Worlds Expo in New York this April - rah rah - another city to be enjoyed from the inside of a convention center.

Perhaps one day soon things will slow down - but really, I hope not.