Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fund raising during the biggest financial crisis in the US

They say it's all about timing.....

Well, we know that the timing is right for Slippcat. traditional advertising is struggling and alternatives - especially the concept of empowered engagement is growing steadily.

As a matter of fact, a significant point of pride and frustration over the past few weeks has been the validation of the entire Slippcat system by a number of potential clients through our affiliation with traditional agencies. Here is how it has worked:

1. Traditional agency pitches client on new marketing plan using traditional methodologies - Television, newspaper, magazine, etc, etc.
2. Client umms and errs and eventually says - "well, no! We are looking for something fresh"
3. Traditional agency desperate not to lose client reaches for what they call "the fringe" and mention virtual worlds, long tail online strategies - in other words, Slippcat.
4. Client shakes head - says tell me more and gets interested all over again.
5. Traditional agency gets flustered, pitches the transparent Slippcat with the aplomb of a plumber pitching a hydro engineering project.
6. Somehow client sits through bad presentation and STILL want to try this new form of advertising and marketing.
7. Traditional advertising company is terrified they will lose client to Slippcat, so they bog down project and negotiations until everything is lost in a mire of bureaucratic stupidity.

Hmmm - sounds a little pissy - well that was not the intent. I was supposed to sound clearly ticked off.

All of this while still trying to raise funding in this market - thanks wall street.

Boy - the fun and games of being a market leader.