Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year, New Blog

Over the past few years I have wondered why anyone would keep an open journal for the world to see - until I actually started looking at some of the better blogs.

The amazing insights into processes, companies and operations, as well as the fascinating depth of personality and personal insights has in my readings made dead dry compnay web sites spring to life with the vibrant anecdotes of people.

So I decided that each employee of Simuality should blog. We are a company, but a company is only as good as the individuals involved, good bad and in the middle.

I hope that this blog, and the blogs of other Simuality people will provide our clients, competitors and friends an insight into a vibrant, exciting and diverse group of people who seem to enjoy coming together to create something bigger than all of us - a company poised to leap into the new year, the new age with enthusiasm, creativity and a lot of fun.

Welcome to Simuality - and to my blog.


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