Thursday, May 29, 2008

Second Life is Dead

I hear that echoed all over the blogoshpere - and even in the occasional media report. Second Life is over, Second Life has run it's course, Second Life will not survive the year.........

I am well aware that other virtual worlds are opening or being developed in massive numbers, that there will be multiple virtual worlds as a matter of course - and also aware of that we as a company have to work in all of these worlds to continue to be effective.

But all this success only adds to Second Life. Next to all the death knells of Second Life I also read about all the accomplishments in SL, the new companies, universities, initiatives that have opened in SL - mighty active corpse.

So, instead of joining the procession of mourners - I wanted to take a minute to celebrate the life of Second Life. Growing pains aplenty, identity issues and confused direction are all parts of growing up - which is what Second Life is still doing. Most assuredly I join the clamor for improvement of Second Life, but only in the sense that I nelieve it can improve.

Second Life brought my company into existence and has been our bread and butter since conception. I am thrilled at the expansion of virtual worlds, the growth of other universes but in the end we will always root for Second Life.

To all the new virtual world - thank you for making our lifew as a company so exciting, bringing new experiences and new challenges on almost a daily basis. And to Linden Labs - I will never join the fickle crowd in crowing about your imminent death - and should that day come, I will dress in black and regret your passing. You were my first - and one never forgets your first.

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